Study on distribution pattern of Zooplankton community structure in Thane Creek, Maharashtra, India.
Microzooplankton, Mesozooplankton, Diversity, Abundance, Copepods, Acetes indicusAbstract
Estuaries and creeks are important ecological systems because the combination of freshwater and saltwater provides distinct habitats that sustain a variety of marine life. This study, conducted between January and April 2023, assessed spatiotemporal variation of microzooplankton and mesozooplankton diversity and distribution along Thane Creek, west coast of India. The tidal action influences the ecosystem known for its importance as a breeding ground for commercially valuable fish and crustaceans. According to the findings, there may be indications of eutrophication in the area, as zooplankton population is inversely related to nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations. Microzooplankton and Mesozooplankton abundance increased from the higher creek (Sampling Station S1) to the lower creek (Sampling Station S8), demonstrating the relevance of these habitats for zooplankton communities. While diversity varied across both extremes, mesozooplankton and microzooplankton abundance increased from high chlorophyll-a stations to high salinity gradient sites. Copepod groups predominated throughout the research, with Oithona sp. present at all sampling points. The majority of the biomass is composed of copepods, chaetognaths, polychaetes, hydrozoans, decapods, and Acetes sp. These findings give information on the geographical dynamics of Thane Creek's zooplankton groups and their response towards environmental changes, particularly eutrophication. Understanding these trends is critical for effective management and conservation efforts aimed at protecting the biodiversity and ecological health of this significant estuarine ecosystem.
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