Bio particle monitoring and its significance in public health


  • Jayshree Thaware S. K. Porwal College Of Arts And Science And Commerce Kamptee Dist-Nagpur


Our environment has a great influence on public health. The atmosphere is loaded with essential and non-essential particles of biological and a-biological origin. The particles of biological origin are often referred to as bioparticles. Pollen grains released from the anthers of flowering plants and spores from lower plants constitute the airborne bioparticles/aerosol. In the atmosphere, the fungal spores are most predominant. The ratio of pollen to fungal spore goes up to 1:30 in certain seasons. Aerobiological survey of pollen/spore monitoring is carried out by operating a volumetric Rotorod Air Sampler (Model-40) installed at about 15 meters above the ground level on the rooftop of the terrace of S.K.Porwal College, Kamptee from June 2018 to May 2019. Respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic pulmonary obstructive diseases mostly relate to fungal bioparticles. A questionnaire method was used to facilitate the testing and monitoring appraisal of airborne bioaerosols and their impact on human health.

Keywords: Bioparticles, Fungal spores, Pollen grains, Public health, Rotorod air sampler.


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How to Cite

Thaware, J. (2025). Bio particle monitoring and its significance in public health. International Journal of Life Sciences, 13(1). Retrieved from