Monterey Bay giant kelp forests and their potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change on local marine ecosystems
kelp forest, Macrocystis pyrifera, Climate change, ocean acidification, ecosystem, water physiochemistryAbstract
Unsustainable human activity poses a threat to oceanic health. Climate change, ocean acidification, ocean warming, and pollution interfere with aquatic communities and endanger marine life. Understanding the consequences of these threats will inform future endeavors in preservation and regeneration. While substantial research addresses seagrass' impacts on aquatic ecosystems, little is known about how kelp responds to these anthropogenic impacts. This study sought to assess the contributions of giant kelp forests (Macrocystis pyrifera) in Monterey Bay to the stability and health of the surrounding ecosystem. To achieve this, we conducted a longitudinal study measuring temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and nutrient levels at multiple depths at sites along the kelp forest axis in two kelp forests. There was an observable trend across the surface samples, with higher pH and DO levels and lower nutrient levels in the center of the forest than on the edge and outside. Additionally, the pH and DO levels were elevated at the surface compared to those at depth, regardless of location along the kelp axis. The improved water quality within the kelp forests indicates a crucial role for kelp in regulating ocean chemistry and ecosystem balance, specifically in the bay in which the kelp forests reside.
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