Thermoacclimatory variation in the red blood cell indices of freshwater fish, Channa punctatus Godavari river, Nanded
Temperature, Stress, Total Erythrocyte Count, Channa punctatusAbstract
Temperature of aquatic environment is important for ensuring the normal metabolism of aquatic animals affects blood vascular system of aquatic organisms. The present investigation deals with influence of temperature on the total count of erythrocytes in freshwater fish, Channa punctatus. The fishes were exposed to different temperatures viz. 15° C, 20° C, 30° C and 35° C. The total counts of erythrocytes were observed at different temperature stress. The results were compared with the fish’s acclimated to ambient temperature at 26° C. The total RBC count was found to be increased as temperature increases. The total RBC count was found to be decreased as temperature decreases.
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