Role of heavy metal salts on susceptibility of Solanum melongena L. seedlings to Alternaria early blight disease.
Solanum melongena L, susceptible, heavy metals, leaf diffusate, phytoalexinAbstract
The phytoalexins are low molecular weight, anti-microbial phenol compounds that are both synthesized by, and accumulated in plants at infection site during compatible plant-pathogen interaction upon exposure to heavy metal salts, were used at dilute concentration in different treatments to control Alternaria early leaf blight infection in Solanum melongena L. seedlings caused by Alternaria solani. Foliage sprays, root dips for two hours prior to transplanting or seed soaking for 24provided considerable to moderate protection to seedlings, at different stages after treatment, against artificial inoculation with the pathogen and mostly caused significant reduction in symptoms. Of the three methods, wet seed treatment appeared to provide the most effective and durable protection. Barium, mercury and Ferric chloride were found the most effective in reducing the infection and lesion expression significantly in most treatment after inoculation with virulent race of pathogen. The fungitoxicity in leaf diffusate was found decline with age in treated artificially inoculated seedling. Little fungi toxicity in leaf diffusates from 3 to 5-week old seedlings that had been treated uninoculated and moderate toxicity in that from untreated, inoculated seedlings. However, treated seedlings inoculated at the 3 and 5-week stage produced leaf diffusates with significantly greater toxicities which were in proportion to their abilities to resist attack.
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