Comparative studies on indoor Aeromycoflora from the laboratories
Aeromycoflora, Indoor, microbes, fungal colonies, bio-pollutant, LaboratoriesAbstract
Laboratory is the basic need of scientific research provided with several equipments, materials including cellulosic and non-cellulosic substrates. These substrates are degraded by diverse group of fungal microbes in a set of climate, indirectly polluting the indoor environment. In the present study aeromycoflora from various laboratories was reported for a month at an interval of a week. A population of 3368 fungal colonies falls under 19 genera and 28 species have been confined by culture plate exposer method. Ascomycota contributed with more than half of the total colonies recorded while Oomycota had least colonies. Zygomycota and Deuteromycota contributed moderate count of colonies. No member of Basidiomycota did persist. Aspergillus had higher colony count as well as greater species number. The sub-dominant air spora included Cladosporium cladosporoides, Mucor pusillus and Rhizopus stolonifer. The genus Fusarium had 3 species; Penicillium, Curvularia, Alternaria recorded with 2 species and others with single species. Prevalence of diverse group of fungal organisms on cellulosic material in laboratories depends on changing indoor environment. The climate of Lab IV was comparatively more ideal for fungal sporulation during survey
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