Productivity and nutrient composition of four popular varieties of fodder Jowar


  • Bendre KB Nanasaheb Y. N. Chavan Arts, Sci. and Com. College, Chalisgaon - 424101
  • Rathod MM SSMM Arts, Science and Commerce College, Pachora - 424201


Sorghum, Cultivation, Cultivar, Productivity Nutrient Composition


Plant cultivar of Sorghum viz.  Harasona, Sweet Sorhum (local), Ruchira and Phule Yashoda were cultivated during 1999-2000, for the measurement of yield and to evaluate nutrient status.  The overall results indicated that Harasona cultivar of Sorghum was more productive and could yield 64.60 t. green fodder per hectare in 83 days and also found suitable in nutrient composition.


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How to Cite

Bendre KB, & Rathod MM. (2013). Productivity and nutrient composition of four popular varieties of fodder Jowar. International Journal of Life Sciences, 1(2), 115–118. Retrieved from