Studies on Productivity and Nutritivity of some popular Forages in winter season


  • Bendre KB Nanasaheb Y.N. Chavan Arts Sci. and Com. College, Chalisgaon -424101 (MS), India.
  • Rathod MM SSMM Arts, Science and Commerce College, Pachora -424201 (MS), India.


Forage, Lucerne, Berseem, Oat, Productivity, Nutritivity


In present studies the three forage varieties Viz ‘T9’, variety of Lucerne, ‘Kent’, variety of Oat and ‘Wordan’, (S-99-1) variety of Berseem recommended by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri (Maharashtra) were cultivated at Maharashtra Sheli Va Mendhi Vikas Prakshetra, Bilakhed, Chalisgaon, Maharashtra during winter season of 1999 -2000. It was found that all the three varieties of the forage crops performed well and found suitable to cultivate in the area. In general the two essential mineral nutrients i.e. calcium and phosphorus found comparatively more in ‘kent’ variety of Oat and ‘Wardan’ variety of Berseem with better productivity. However, the overall performance of the T9 variety of lucerne is nutritionally superior to the other two varieties in percent crude protein, DM content and adequate quantities of the other nutrients.


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How to Cite

Bendre KB, & Rathod MM. (2015). Studies on Productivity and Nutritivity of some popular Forages in winter season. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(3), 255–259. Retrieved from