Formation of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCS) in the Labeo rohita (Ham)
Labeo rohita, PGCs, Developmental stages, GonadsAbstract
Labeo rohita is one of the Indian major carp present in all the freshwater ecosystems of India. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are studied by collecting different stages of L. rohita and were identified on the basis of their shape and size. PGCs were elliptical to spherical in shape with clear cytoplasm from 24 hrs hatchling (ah), PGCs were identified and on 60 mm development stage they were located on gonadal ridge. PGCs were bigger than the somatic cells which are present in their vicinity. Migrating germ cells were generally elliptical in shape and produced cytoplasmic extensions which help them in migration and adhesion. PGCs were seem to originate from the gut endoderm and started descending along the wall of intestine. From 24 hrs onwards, mesonephric duct are pushed upwards due to the development of air sacs between kidney and alimentary canal. Gonads were seen suspended in the coelomic cavity from 10 mm stage onwards from the dorsal body wall by a mesentery.
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