Reproductive Phase-related Plasma Proteins in Labeo rohita
Carrier proteins, SDS-PAGE, Prespawning, Reproductive phase, Labeo rohitaAbstract
A study of plasma content of proteins in Labeo rohita in the present project gives a base for the understanding of carrier proteins in the plasma specifically sex hormone-binding globulins, a type of carrier protein, which carry the sex hormones with different affinity and capacity associations. Their electrophoretic patterns in different phases of reproductive cycle of the fish will also give a preliminary idea at what molecular weight these carrier proteins might get separated in the gel for further isolation and identification. The trend of the plasma protein levels showed a significant increase in prespawning-phase of the fish breeding cycle. The values as recorded went up to 28.940 ± 0.404 mg/mL in females and 19.600 ± 0.115 mg/mL in males. The study has not only revealed the protein content of the plasma of both sexes but also kept in synchronous the records of electrophoregrams of plasma proteins of reproductive and non-reproductive phases of the cycle. Protein content in plasma increases as important estradiol-dependent proteins such as vitellogenins, eggshell proteins, which are known to be synthesized in liver, have higher or lower molecular weights and are produced in much lower amounts during the maturing phase of the fish reproduction.
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