Seasonal variations with physico-chemical correlation of B. plicatilis in Lonar Meteorite Crater, India.
B. plicatilis, correlation coefficient, Lonar LakeAbstract
In present study, B. plicatilis species of rotifers and their seasonal variation were determined along with physical and chemical parameters of water from April 2009 to March 2010. The correlation of rotifers population relative to physical-chemical characteristics varied in different sites. However, B. plicatilis expressed, usually, positive correlation with water temperature, pH, TS, TDS, Cl-, Salinity and EC. The positive correlation has indicated that the abundance of B. plicatilis has significantly positive correlation with temperature as there was an increase in all chemical parameters such as water temperature, pH, TS, TDS, Cl, Salinity and EC in the Lonar lake water.
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