Comparative Study Of Aeromycoflora Of Two Public Libraries


  • Yeragi SS K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai – 400077.
  • Yeragi PS K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai – 400077.
  • Prabhu VN K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai – 400077.


Library, Aeromycoflora, Mulund


A systematic aero mycological survey was conducted in Mumbai Marathi Granthalay at Mulund and G. K. Khandekar Granthalay Mulund, Suburb of Mumbai. Both the libraries are associated with public reading facilities; hence many readers visit to these libraries. This investigation was carried out for a period of one year from June 2011 to May 2012. For trapping the fungal spores petri plate method was adopted. The result showed incidence of verities of mycoflora in the environments of both the libraries. Total fifteen fungal spore types have been identified during the period of investigation.

In Mumbai Marathi Library twelve fungal genera were identified. The most dominant genera were Aspergillus (25.38%), followed by Cladosporium (14.59%), Penicillium (13.73%), Curvularia (8.12%), and others.

In Khandekar library, total ten fungal genera were isolated. The most dominant genera were Aspergillus (22.51%), followed by Cladosporium (15.72%), Penicillium (12.34%), Alternaria (16.35%), etc. In both the cases September was the month of highest incidence. The month of September was dominated by Cladosporium spp in both the library. It was observed that both the library were at ground floor and directly exposure to the atmosphere. It is but natural, that the fungal spores get easy to enter in the premises of library. Mumbai Marathi Library having more humidity hence fungal spores were dominating and deterioting the books heavily than other library. Pre-monsoon is the least infested period in both the libraries.


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5. Vinod Tringunayat and Yeragi SS (2011) Comparative account of Aerospora inside the Libraries of Somaiya Campus with special emphasis on aerospora involved in biodetoriation and books. Ph.D Thesis, University of Mumbai.




How to Cite

Yeragi SS, Yeragi PS, & Prabhu VN. (2013). Comparative Study Of Aeromycoflora Of Two Public Libraries. International Journal of Life Sciences, 60–62. Retrieved from



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