Food and feeding of an economically important estuarine fish, Sillago sihama (forsskal)
Sillago sihama, feeding, MithbavAbstract
The present investigation revealed that the stomach content of both juvenile (<130 mm SL) and adult (>130mm SL) Sillago sihama (Forsskal) in Mithbav (L.160 20’ N.L.170 25’)estuary of Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra from April 2011 to March 2012. The gut analysis was carried out using frequency of occurrence and point methods. Diatoms were found to be the most preferable food of plant origin in both the life stages like juvenile and adult in all the season, Diatoms, blue-green algae and dinoflagellactes constituted main food of plant origni. Diatoms were found to be the most preferable food during starvation period of monsoon due to unexpected water currents. During monsoon, the habit of food and feeding was distured for short time. They do not remain in main stream of water but move towards the bank, bay, as well as in lagoons of the estuary. During monsoon it occurred in more than 11.3% of food item by point method. The feeding intensity of juvenile was notice that on increasing along with increase in size group. The quality and quantity of food items were fluctuated seasonwise to season and juvenile to adult stages. Crustacean including shrimps, crabs, their larvae, copepods eggs, and larval forms comprised the maximum part of the food of animal origin. It was concluded that sillage sihama in the coastal waters of Mithbav is planktonivorous and feeding on a wide range of food of planktonic and benthic organisms.
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