Investigation On Airborne Moulds In Government Hospital Wards Of Warud City, Amravati District
Airborne moulds, Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium citrinum, mycoflora, WarudAbstract
The airborne culturable moulds and spor types in the indoor environment of Govt. hospital wards of Warud were monitored over one year period from August 2011 – November 2012, using a two stage Andersen air sampler and Burkard personal slide sampler. Among culturable moulds Cladosporium herbarum and Penicillium citrinum were most frequently recorded. Aspergilli/Penicilli among airborne conidial types was most frequently recorded. The percentage of occurrence of mycoflora was higher in General Ward in comparison to Post Surgical Ward of hospital.
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