Multi drug resistance pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from urinary tract infected (UTI’s) patients
E. coli, urinary tract infection, multi drug resistanceAbstract
A urinary tract infection predominates commonly in outpatients as well as in hospitalized patients worldwide. Another, health concern problem is multi drug resistance towards antibacterial drugs which is an alarming situation to medical practitioners. Escherichia coli (E. coli) are the commonest causative and etiologic agent in urinary tract infection. Of the total 182 isolated uropathogens E. coli were the most prevalent bacteria which accounts for 29.12% (53/182) and also high percentage was observed in females 69.78% (127/182). All of these isolates were tested against 14 different antibiotics. E. coli showed tremendous resistance towards Amoxyclav 90.56% followed by Ampicillin, 86.79%, Ciprofloxacin, 83.01%, Nalidixic acid, 79.24%, Cefodoxime, 75.47%, Cephalothin, 71.69%, Tetracycline, 69.81%, Gentamicin, 49.05%, Ceftazidime/clavulanic acid, 45.28%, Ceftriaxone, 41.50%, Amikacin, 24.52%, Cefepime, 20.75% and Cefperazone/sulbactum, 13.20%. While Imipenem, is the prominent drug of choice for urinary tract infections.
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