Response of heavy metal salts against Alternaria leaf spot infection on Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper seedlings by three techniques.
Vigna mungo(L.) Hepper, heavy metal salts, leaf diffusates, phytoalexin, Fungitoxicity, pathogen, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) KeisslerAbstract
The phytoalexins are both synthesized and accumulated in plants at infection site during compatible plant-pathogen interaction upon exposure to micro-organism and chemicals of diverse groups. The salts of heavy metals, well-known phytoalexin inducers, were used at 10-4 M concentration in different treatments to control Alternaria leaf spot infection in black gram seedlings caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. Application of foliage spray, root-dip for two hours prior to transplanting and seed soaking for 24 h induced moderate to significant reduction in disease symptoms at different stages of growth after treatment against artificial inoculation of spore suspension of Alternaria alternata, an isolate of virulent pathogen. Seed soaking in aqueous dilute solutions of test chemicals comparatively seemed to provide the most effective and durable protection. The chlorides of barium, copper and mercury were proved most effective in reducing the infection and lesion expression significantly in most treatments after inoculation with virulent race of pathogen. Fungitoxicity in leaf diffusate was recorded decline with age in treated artificially inoculated seedlings. Little fungitoxicity appeared in leaf diffusates from 3- 4week old seedlings that had been treated uninoculated and moderate toxicity in that from untreated, inoculated seedlings. The treated seedlings inoculated at 3-and 4-week stage produced leaf diffusates with significantly greater toxicities which were in proportion to their abilities to resist attack.
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