Liquid Whey: A Potential Substrate for Single Cell Protein Production from Bacillus subtilis NCIM 2010
Single Cell Protein, Bacillus subtilis, Liquid WheyAbstract
The term single cell protein (SCP) refers to dead, dry cells of micro-organisms. Single Cell Protein production was carried out from liquid whey by using Bacillus subtilis. It was observed that all the whey samples produced the Single Cell Protein (SCP). In the present study, out of the 5 different whey samples, the whey sample-4 has shown high Single Cell Protein production (0.32 mg/ml) followed by whey sample-3 (0.28mg/ml), whey sample-2 (0.24mg/ml) and whey sample-1 and 5 has shown (0.16 mg/ml each) of SCP production. Thus liquid whey can be used for single cell protein production.
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