Production of Bioactive Compound by Bacillus subtilis and its antagonistic activity against Sclerotium rolfsii
Bacillus subtilis, Bioactive Compound, Chitin, Sclerotium rolfsiiAbstract
Bacillus subtilis has the potential to produce bioactive compound antagonistic against plant pathogenic fungi Sclerotium rolfsii. Bioassay test as well as agar well diffusion tests were performed which showed that Bacillus subtilis has produced the antifungal compound which was inhibitory against Sclerotium rolfsii. Chitin as a carbon source was found to be effective supplement for the effective production of bioactive compound. Another finding was that the bioactive compound produced by B. subtilis remained effective even after treated with different temperature and a wide pH range. The stability test showed that at 72 hours of incubation, at 370C and at pH 7, the maximum antagonistic activity (27mm and 26 mm respectively) was observed against S. rolfsii. The results obtained from the current study concluded that Bacillus subtilis and its bioactive compound can be used as a biological control agent for inhibition of phytopathogenic fungi Sclerotium rolfsii
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