Quail Farming: An Introduction
Quail, Bater, farming, perspective, IndiaAbstract
The quail also known as Bater in hindi terminology. It is a small medium size game bird related with pheasant family. In India two species occurs namely Black breasted quail found in jungle (Coturnix Coromandelica) and other one Brown color Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica), which is bred for meat or the one used for commercial quail production. A broiler (meat purpose) quail can be sold at 5 weeks. Quails start laying eggs at about 6 weeks to continue to give high egg production up to 24 weeks of age. Adult Japanese quail weigh up to 250 gm and lays 250 eggs a year. The meat is used as ready to cook meat, pickled meat & tandoori quail. From the quails egg can make different recipes like Boiled egg and egg pickles The egg size is about 10 g. It requires smaller house for rearing. About 10 quails require space is equal to require space for one chicken.
1. American egg board http://www.aeb.org/food/nutrient.html. ( accessed online 9 September, 2013)
2. Dozier WA and Bramwell K (2002) Bobwhite Quail production and management guide. Bulletin-1215. Co-operation extension service poultry science department, Georgia university. USA pp-1-12.
3. http://quails.ecochickspoultry.com/facts-about-quails/ (accessed online 20 October, 2013)
4. India development gateway http://indg.in/agriculture/animalhusbandary/poultry/quail-farming (accessed online 20.January2013)
5. http://www.niir.org/information/content.phtml?content (accessed online 12 December, 2013)
6. http://vikaspedia.in/agriculture/poultry/quail-farming (accessed online 12 November, 2013)
7. http://modernfarming.blogspot.com/2011/06/quail-farming.html (accessed online 2 October, 2013).
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