Studies of water borne E.coli from the Congo red medium differentiation between pathogenic & non pathogenic in the broiler farms in Madhya Pradesh


  • Mishra Priti College of Fishery Science, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University Jabalpur, (M.P.) India
  • Ther Sandip V Central Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (Phoenix Group) Jabalpur (M.P.) India
  • Shukla Satish Central Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (Phoenix Group) Jabalpur (M.P.) India


Water, E. coli, Congo Red, Broilers poultry farms, Madhya Pradesh


To aim of this study was to isolate and to identify the pathogenicity of E. coli from the water in poultry farms. To conduct this study, water samples were collected from the poultry farms in the vicinity of Jabalpur. Around 200 water samples were collected from the 60 poultry farms, during the period of September 2011 to January 2014. All the water samples were cultured on Mac-Conkey’s and EMB agar plates. The positive samples were examined for coliform. confirmation of E. coli was based on the morphology of colonies, gram staining and biochemical characters. In vitro pathogenicity test for E. coli was carried out through the Congo-red binding activity. Out of 200 water samples processed for coliforms, 150 produced growth on Mac-Conkey’s agar. Biochemical characteristics identified 66 of these as E. coli. Out of 66 isolates of E. coli, 40 resulted in the growth of brick red colonies shown the pathogenic. While remaining 26 samples produced colorless colonies after 72 hours of incubation at room temperature and were confirmed as non pathogenic.


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How to Cite

Mishra Priti, Ther Sandip V, & Shukla Satish. (2016). Studies of water borne E.coli from the Congo red medium differentiation between pathogenic & non pathogenic in the broiler farms in Madhya Pradesh. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(1), 137–139. Retrieved from