Effect of moisture content on the production of protease by Fusarium oxysporum using agroindustrial waste
Agoindustrial waste, Fusarium oxysporum, proteaseAbstract
The effect of moisture content on the production of protease from Fusarium oxysporum was studied using agro industrial waste as substrates such as dal mill waste, oil mill waste, molasses, fruit waste and vegetable garbage under solid state fermentation. Dal mill waste, oil mill waste and vegetable garbage produced maximum protease activity in presence of all the types of moistures (25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, & 75%) after 96 hrs of incubation. However molasses and fruit waste gave highest protease production in presence of 55 % and 65% moisture content after 7th day of incubation. Among all the substrate dal mill waste and oil mill waste were promising in being utilized faster for the production of protease enzyme.
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