On- farm productivity response of rainfed grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) to integrated nutrient supply system in Assosa Zone, Western Ethiopia, East Africa
Sorghum, on- farm study, organic manure, inorganic fertilizers, yield, economicsAbstract
Sorghum is an important cereal crop and occupies third place in production after Maize and Tef in Ethiopia. Information on the response of Sorghum to organic and inorganic nutrient sources in the Assosa Zone is scanty. On farm experiments were they are conducted at two locations, for three years, to investigate the effect of eight treatments of inorganic and organic fertilizer integration (Recommended NP (check), Recommended FYM based on N equivalency, Recommended compost based on N, 50% Recommended FYM based on N equivalency + 50% Recommended NP, 50% Recommended compost based on N equivalency + 50% Recommended NP equivalency, 50% Recommended FYM + 50% Recommended compost both based on N equivalency and 33% Recommended compost, 33% Recommended FYM both based on N equivalency + 33% Recommended NP) and was laid out in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with each farmer as a replication. Significant influence on the grain yield of sorghum due to fertilizer application was recorded. The maximum grain yield (4640.4 kg ha-1) was obtained from application of 33.3% recommended compost + 33.3% recommended FYM both based on N equivalency + 33.4% recommended NP , which was 73.3 % higher than the control (1962.8 kg ha-1). The partial budget analysis indicate greater economic benefit with this integrated system of nutrient management than either organic or in organic source alone. 50 % Recommended compost + 50% recommended NP (3455 kg ha-1), Recommended compost (3452 kg ha-1) and recommended FYM (3456 kg ha-1) performed equally well and were superior to no fertilizer(2677 kg ha-1) application.
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