Productivity, Nutrient removal, Soil nutrient dynamics and Economics of Tef (Eragrostis tef (zucc.)Trotter) Production in Relation to Genotypes and Integrated Nutrient Management on Vertisols of Mid high lands of Oromia region of Ethiopia, East Africa


  • Yonas Mebratu Department of plant science, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Ambo University, Ambo, Post Box No.19, West Shoa Zone ,Ethiopia.
  • Cherukuri V Raghavaiah Department of plant science, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Ambo University, Ambo, Post Box No.19, West Shoa Zone ,Ethiopia.
  • Habtamu Ashagre Department of plant science, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Ambo University, Ambo, Post Box No.19, West Shoa Zone ,Ethiopia.


Tef, genotypes, nutrient management, Vertisols, mid high lands, productivity, Nutrient removal, soil nutrient balance, economics


Tef, a highly valued nutritious cereal crop, plays an important role in the diet of Ethiopians. Field experiment was carried out during 2014/15 cropping season on a field belonging to Hommicho Ammunition Engineering Industry with the objective to evaluate the response of Tef genotypes to integrated nutrient management in terms of productivity in Guder, Toke kuttai district. The treatments consisted of six levels of integrated nutrient management practices:1) 0 -0 -0 (check) 2) 40 -60 -0 NPK (RDF) 3) 50%RDF + 50% N (FYM) 4) 75%RDF + 25% N (FYM) 5) 100% RDF + 5t FYM/ha and 6)RDF through new complex fertilizer (19 -38 – 7 NPS) tested on five genotypes (Magna, Simoda , Quncho , Dz –Cr -409, Local variety). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement with three replications. The results revealed that there was distinct variation between varieties and integrated nutrient management practices in grain and straw yield, where DZ-01-196 recorded maximum grain and straw yield with application of 100% RDF + 5t/ha FYM which was comparable with 75%RDF + 25% FYM. Therefore application of 50% RDF + 50%FYM, 75%RDF + 25%FYM and 100%RDF + 5tha-1 to DZ-01-196, DZ-CR-409 and Local varieties of Tef , respectively exhibited best production performance on Vertisols of mid high lands of Ethiopia. The nutrient content of grain was found to be greater than that of straw. Application of 100%RDF +5t/ha-1 FYM and 75%RDF +25%FYM analysed higher content of NPK both in grain and straw than other treatments, ultimately resulting in greater nutrient removal than with inorganic fertilizer alone and no fertilizer check . The- post harvest available NPK content of soil in comparison with initial status was found to be higher with INM than no fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer treatments. Economic analysis showed that higher MRR, Benefit: cost ratio and return /Birr investment were accrued with 100%RDF+5t/ha FYM and 75%RDF+25%FYM when compared with inorganic fertilizer and no fertilizer check.


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How to Cite

Yonas Mebratu, Cherukuri V Raghavaiah, & Habtamu Ashagre. (2017). Productivity, Nutrient removal, Soil nutrient dynamics and Economics of Tef (Eragrostis tef (zucc.)Trotter) Production in Relation to Genotypes and Integrated Nutrient Management on Vertisols of Mid high lands of Oromia region of Ethiopia, East Africa. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(1), 21–34. Retrieved from