Diversity and status of Avifauna from Bodalkasa lake in Gondia district, Maharashtra, India
Avifauna, Bodalkasa lake, diversity, StatusAbstract
The avifaunal diversity of Bodalkasa lake was studied from February
2014 to January 2016 based on visual encounter surveys. The lake is
located near Bodalkasa village having food availability and rich tree
vegetation in surrounding area that harbors a variety of birds. Now a
days the anthropogenic disturbances and the environmental changes
happening regularly affects the seasonal biodiversity. Total sixty nine
species including water birds and land birds were recorded belonging to
different 33 families during the study period. Out of sixty nine species, 52
species were residents (75%), 12 species were winter visitors (18%), 03
species were summer visitors (4%) and 02 species were passage visitors
(3%). The maximum species were sighted during the winter season
followed by summer and monsoon season respectively. Out of sixty nine
species, 37 species were very common, 13 species were common, 12
species were uncommon, 05 species were occasional and 02 species
were rare for this site. The family wise relative diversity of the bird
species from the lake was also calculated.
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