Birds faunal study from village ponds of Salekasa tehsil in Gondia District, Maharashtra State, India
Birds fauna, Village ponds, Salekasa,, GondiaAbstract
The present study includes a checklist of the bird species inhabiting in and around the three village ponds namely village Tirkhedi (site-I), village Joshitola (site-II) and village Halbitola (site-III) near Salekasa from Gondia District of Maharashtra State, India. As these habitats having enriched aquatic fauna and flora as a food source surrounded by farmland and forestland, hence the birds visit to these beautiful areas throughout the year. The survey was conducted for one year from February 2021 to January 2022. The observation of the birds done by the help of binocular from the study area. In this checklist 44 species of birds were observed from 27 families as actually sighted. As per residential status, 40 species were local residents, 02 species were winter visitors and 02 species were summer visitors.
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