Transcript profiling of vital defense proteins upregulated during 3, 5-Dichloroanthranilic acid (DCA) mediated induced resistance against pearl millet downy mildew disease


  • Lavanya SN Department of Studies in Botany, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006, India.
  • Niranjan-Raj S Department of Studies in Microbiology, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangotri, Mysore-570006, India.
  • Amruthesh KN Department of Studies in Botany, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006, India.


Pearl millet downy mildew, induced resistance, defense genes, PR-proteins


Downy mildew disease caused by the biotrophic oomycete Sclerospora graminicola is the main constraint for pearl millet production incurring huge yield and economic losses. The synthetic resistance elicitor 3, 5-Dichloroanthranilic acid (DCA) when applied exogenously as seed treatment to pearl millet at the concentration of 100 μM protected pearl millet plants by inducing systemic and durable resistance against downy mildew. This enhanced resistance correlated with the up regulation of various defense genes and proteins. Transcripts of mRNA of the defense enzymes PAL and POX were significantly enhanced many folds in comparison to the untreated control. The cell wall cross-linking protein HRGPs also showed significant overexpression in DCA treated seedlings compare to the control. Pathogenesis related proteins PR-1 and PR-5 which are regarded as markers of induced resistance were significantly over expressed in DCA treated seedlings, and expression of PR-5 was more than that of the resistant check. Early and increased expression of defense enzymes PAL and POX and defense proteins HRGPs, PR-1 and PR-5 are attributed as causes for enhanced DM protection that is offered by DCA treatment to pearl millet seeds. Changes in transcriptional profiles of defense enzyme sand proteins triggered by DCA clearly resemble typical defense-related responses elicited during elicitor induced resistance suggesting a potential for DCA in management of plant disease in general and pearl millet downy mildew disease in particular.


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How to Cite

Lavanya SN, Niranjan-Raj S, & Amruthesh KN. (2017). Transcript profiling of vital defense proteins upregulated during 3, 5-Dichloroanthranilic acid (DCA) mediated induced resistance against pearl millet downy mildew disease. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(1), 46–54. Retrieved from