Beneficial effect of Moringa oleifera on Lead induced Oxidative stress


  • Raje Sharayu Department of Botany. Bhavans College Andheri (W), India
  • Mestry Asmita Department of Botany. Bhavans College Andheri (W), India


Lead toxicity, anti-cytotoxic, anti-hemolytic, Moringa oleifera leaves powder


Moringa oleifera is a tree belonging to family Moringaceae. Its leaves and seeds are reported to have ameliorative effects against metal toxicity. Moringa oleifera leaves are used in many physiologically adverse conditions and are to be an excellent remedial agent; it needs to be studied comprehensively. In the present investigation, the phytochemical analysis, anti-cytotoxic and anti-hemolytic effect of Moringa oleifera leaf extract and crude flavonoid extract was tested against Lead acetate induced cytotoxicity in onion root tips and hemolysis in Human Blood Erythrocytes. The anti-cytotoxic and anti-hemolytic activity increases with increase in the concentration of leaf extract and flavonoid extract of Moringa oleifera.


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How to Cite

Raje Sharayu, & Mestry Asmita. (2017). Beneficial effect of Moringa oleifera on Lead induced Oxidative stress. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(1), 63–72. Retrieved from