Registration of ‘‘Fadis 01’’ Sorghum Variety
Genotypes, Striga reaction, Yield PerformanceAbstract
Fadis 01 (36121 X P-9403) sorghum variety was released for yield and Striga resistant/tolerant in 2019 in Eastern Oromia specifically for Fadis, Babile, Harari, and Dire Dawa and similar altitude areas. It has been verified at Fadis, Babile, Harari, and Dire Dawa areas during 2018 main cropping season. Fadis01 showed 25% yield advantage over the standard check (Hormat), early maturing and stable across locations and years compared to the standard check and also good level of Striga reaction which are a major threat to sorghum production in the study areas and their vicinities.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Alemayehu Biri, Zeleke Legesse, Jifara Gudeta

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