Effect of Vermicompost and Nitrogen Application on Striga Incidence, Growth, and Yield of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Monech] in Fedis, eastern Ethiopia
Nitrogen, sorghum, Striga hermonthica, vermicompostAbstract
The parasitic weed, Striga, is a major constraint to sorghum production in Ethiopia. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during the main cropping season of 2013 with an objective to study the effect of different levels of nitrogen (N) and vermicompost (VC) application on Striga infestation, growth and yield of sorghum at Fedis Agricultural Research Center, eastern Ethiopia. The treatments consisted of three rates of N (0, 46, 92 kg/ha) in the form of urea and five rates of vermicompost (VC) (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 t/ha) in the form of organic fertilizer. The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design in a factorial arrangement and replicated three times. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the parameters studied. The results of this study revealed that application of vermicompost significantly increased soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and exchangeable potassium contents. Nitrogen and vermicompost interacted to significantly (P < 0.01) influence the number of Striga per hectare. Number of Striga in the control plot was about 4.6-fold higher than in the plots treated with the highest rates of the two fertilizers. Both the main and the interaction effects of nitrogen and vermicompost significantly influenced the sorghum growth parameters. However, nitrogen had more profound effects in enhancing the growth response of the crop than vermicompost. Increasing the rate of nitrogen from nil to 46 kg N/ha resulted in a 57% increase in grain yield, with no further increases noted beyond this level. Similarly, increasing the rate of vermicompost from nil to 1.0 t/ha increased grain yield of sorghum by about 17%. However, stover yield was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by the interaction effect of the two fertilizers and the average value at the highest application rates of the two fertilizers exceeded the control plots by about 30%. In conclusion, the findings of this study have demonstrated that application of 46 kg/ha nitrogen and 1.0 t/ha vermicompost significantly reduced infestation of Striga in sorghum, improved soil moisture and nutrient contents, and enhanced growth and yield of the crop. Nonetheless, further research works are required to draw sound technology options for striga prone sorghum growing areas.
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