Study of Antimicrobial effect of some leafy vegetables-a comparative study
The present study deals with the antimicrobial effect of some leafy vegetables that is a comparative study of leafy vegetables. The plant samples were collected from local vegetable vendors. They were categorized as Seasonal (Monsoon) plants- Amaranth leaves (chawlai ), spinach, fenugreek leaves( methi), daikon leaves ( muli). The method of agar well diffusion method was used for checking the antimicrobial activities of test samples. Each test organism was grown by inoculating the bacterial culture into fresh sterile Nutrient media and incubating overnight at 37 degrees centigrade. These cultured organisms were then used for the study. The effective and determinative anti-microbial activity against the selected bacterial strains (Escherichia coli,, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia) was extracted with aqueous and acetone. The acetone extract was found more active against all the test bacterial strains than hot water extract.
Keywords: Spinach (Spinacia oleracea), Methi (Fenugreek Leaves), Daikon (Raphanus sativus), Chawali (Amaranth Leaves)
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Copyright (c) 2020 Pranjali Rangari, Sneha Khadse

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