Mineral content and proximate analysis in the leaves of native medicinal plant, Alternanthera sessilis from Barhitakli of Akola district.
Alternanthera sessilis, Family: Amaranthaceae,, proximate analysis BarshitakliAbstract
In the present era also 60% of medicine has plant base and many people still uses herbal/ Ayurvedic medicine which are originated form plants. Alternanthera sessilis, Family: Amaranthaceae is a very nutritive and mineral rich plant. So the plant was selected and from Barshitakli area and its critical screening for nutritive such as Moisture content, Total ash content, water soluble content, Acid insoluble content, water soluble extractive value, alcohol soluble extractive value, Carbohydrate, protein, Crude fat, crude fiber, and calorific value was done also detection and composition of mineral content such as Sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, and chromium was done. It was found that the plant was rich in nutritive and mineral content.
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