Efficacy of Weed Vermicompost Extracts in Promoting Lepidium sativum Seedling Growth and Suppressing the Phytopathogen - Pythium ultimum
Weed-based vermicompost, Lepidium sativum, Pythium ultimum, Seedling Vigour Index, Sustainable agriculture, Antifungal activityAbstract
The growing global demand for food has intensified the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, leading to significant environmental concerns. This study investigates the efficacy of weed-based vermicompost, derived from Alternanthera sessilis, animal manure, and earthworms, in promoting the growth of Lepidium sativum seedlings while suppressing the growth of the fungal pathogen Pythium ultimum in vitro. Seedling growth was assessed by measuring germination percentage, shoot and root lengths, and Seedling Vigour Index (SVI). The results revealed that specific concentrations of vermicompost extracts, particularly T7-40% and T5-30%, significantly enhanced seedling growth, with T7-40% yielding the highest SVI of 1240.8, indicating a strong correlation between extract concentration and plant vigor. Additionally, the antifungal properties of these extracts were confirmed, with Sample S2 exhibiting the highest inhibition percentage against Pythium ultimum. These findings suggest that weed-based vermicompost not only promotes plant growth but also provides effective protection against fungal pathogens, making it a promising tool for sustainable agriculture.
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