Zooplankton biodiversity of Chalbardi lake near Bhadrawati, Chandrapur District Maharashtra, India
Chalbardi lake, Bhaderawati, ZooplanktonAbstract
Chalbardi lake is the principal fresh water body of Bhadrawati tehsil, Chandrapur district of Maharashtra state. This lake spread over the area of 24.3 acre. Due to anthropogenic activities water quality of this lake is deteriorating with an enormous rate. The study of this lake takes for the year to assess the types of zooplankton present in this lake. The biodiversity of this lake was represented by 6 different groups of zooplankton like Protozoa, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda and Ostracoda with 19 different tpes of species. The water of this lake is utilised for different activities like washing clothes, bathing and open defecation causing deterioration of water quality.
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