Molecular phylogeny of Shrimps from west coast of Maharashtra using DNA barcoding
COI gene, DNA Barcoding, shrimp, 16S rRNAAbstract
Crustaceans represent metazoan group with enormous morphological and ecological diversity but are difficult to identify with traditional approaches and require help of expert taxonomists. DNA barcoding technique is the most reliable molecular approach of species identification and provides permanent species tags. In case of crustaceans, sequence of two mitochondria genes COI and 16S rRNA have been found useful for correlation between taxonomic ranks and molecular divergence. Parapenaeopsis stylifera, Solenocera crassicornis and Fenneropenaeus indicus among penaeids and Nematopalaemon tenuipes, Exhippolysmata ensirostris & Acetes indicus considered as non-penaeids representing 5 families were collected from Mumbai, the major fishing region in Maharashtra. DNA barcode and Accession numbers were generated for these species. Molecular phylogenetic evolutionary study was carried out to evaluate genetic divergence between species with respect to their families and based on protein coding COI and non-protein coding 16S genes.
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