Preliminary studies on use of Cuttle fish bone as a green biosorbent for treatment of waste waters
Cuttlefish bone, Sepia shell, Chitin, Chitosan, Biosorbent, Waste water treatmentAbstract
Water is a precious natural resource essential for human life and it is imperative to preserve its quality. Rapid increase in population and industrialization have led to degradation of aquatic resources ultimately affecting human health. Most of the conventional methods used for waste water treatment are inefficient and costly. Hence new economical and eco-friendly methods need to be investigated. Present study envisages the potential use of cuttle fish bone or internal shell of Sepia as an economical and environment friendly, green biosorbent for treatment of waste waters. For comparison, commercial chitin and chitosan – bioactive compounds obtained by processing of shell waste, were also used. Effect of these biosorbents on various physico-chemical parameters of waste-waters were studied. It was found that cuttle fish bone was more effective in treating acidic waste waters while chitin and chitosan were more effective in alkaline conditions.
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