Effects of heavy metals on the ventilation and opercular movement in C. gachua and C.reba
Heavy metals, C. gachna, C. reba, ventilation, opercular movement, CuSo4, K2Cr2O7Abstract
Several heavy metals which are present as pollutants in the water bodies have been established a toxic substances to fishes. The present study has been aimed to regulate their entry in the various water bodies so that it can be ensured that they may not be adversely affected in any way. It has been found that the effects of heavy metals in fish can be variable to a greater extent. Apart from causing death either directly or due to starvation by destruction of food organism, many heavy metals have shown to affect the survival behaviour, growth, reproduction, physiology biochemistry and pathology of fish with evidence of tissue damage.
The present study deals with the opercular frequencies and respiratory movement. It was found that their frequencies and distress were increased 2-4 times more than the control fishes. The opercular frequency/minute were observed in two different habit fishes at different concentration to two heavy metals i.e. CuSo4 and K2Cr2O7 pollutants in relation to exposure periods. At the initial stage of exposure, both fishes i.e C.gachua and C.reba exhibited similar result and no significant affect were noticed. However in case of C.gachua, the opercular frequency was found in increasing there from 40mg/l to 265.4 mg/l level but suddenly and abruptly declined at 517.9mg/I level up to 72 hour of exposure in both pollutants Another test fish C.reba exhibited some different affects i.e increasing trend from 24 hour exposure and started decreasing at 9b hr. of exposure which was not abrupt like C.gachua rather in or systematic manner except in case of CuSo4 pollutants of 88mg/I level of concentration where it exhibited 46±2.
The initial increase in the opercular movement followed by a gradual decrease which becomes rapid just prior to death. These development depended mainly on the concentration limit and exposure period and normally this is concentration dependent Further the movement of C.gachua and C.reba towards water volume increased in almost all concentration to meet their O2 requirement but it did not materialize in lethal concentration.
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