Effect of sugar mill effluent in sublethal Concentration on Liver Metabolism of Channa marulius (Ham.)
Channa marulius, liver sugar mill effluent, Biochemical constituents, NarkatiaganjAbstract
The disposal of industrial effluents in the aquatic environment is toxic to fishes. Channa marulius were reared in different sublethal Concentrations of the distillery effluent for thirty days. Various biochemical constituents of the liver of control and effluent-treated fishes were estimated. In the present observation, sugar mill effluent exposed fish Channa marulius showed a significant decrease in protein, glycogen, triglycerides, RNA , and DNA contests along with an increase in acid and alkaline phosphates enzyme of the liver of all sublethal Concentrations as compared to the control. The percentage of attraction in liver components was directly proportional to the concentration of effluents.
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