Avi-faunal biodiversity of Tadoba lake in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra, India.
Avi-fauna, Biodiversity, Tadoba lake, ChandrapurAbstract
The avi-faunal biodiversity of Tadoba lake is an important aspect of study as the birds are most diverse and predominant form of life on the earth. The aim of the present study was to understand the avi-faunal biodiversity of the Tadoba lake and to create awareness about their conservation in the study. The present study was carried out on Tadoba lake. It is situated in the Tadoba National Park and studied for a period of three months (March, 2022 to May, 2022) as a project work of our M.Sc. degree student. The Tadoba lake is situated in the core zone of Tadoba National Park, Chandrapur. Nobody was undertaken such project in the past. Various species of birds were observed in the area of Tadoba lake during morning and evening time. For data collection, Nikon 5200 digital camera was used. Total 29 species of birds belonging to the 23 families were recorded during the study period. From this study, it may be conclude that the avi-faunal biodiversity of Tadoba lake is huge and suitable for the survival of all types birds.
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