Study of fish market of Bengali camp in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra, India.
Fish market, Bengali camp, ChandrapurAbstract
Fish marketing starts with the auction system which is highly unorganized and unregulated in most States of India. There is a strict barrier for the entry of any new professional into it. The transportation and storage of fishes need to be facilitated by creating and maintaining the needed infra-structures such as approach road from pond to main fish market, cold storage, ice factories, etc. Bengali camp fish market is a famous fish market in Chandrapur in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra, India. Its survey was done during February, 2022 in the morning and evening time as a project work of our M.Sc. student. It is a best fish market in this area since from ancient time. In this fish market, fishes and prawns are supplies from Aman nullah dam, Erai dam, Dina dam and Andhra Pradesh fish markets. During the study period, it was observed that, total 11 species of fishes and 1 species of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii was reported. The wholesale fish market opens in the morning time and retail fish market in the evening time. During the study period, it was found that, the infra-structure of fish market was poor and needed to improve it. Hygienic condition was not properly maintained. Cold storage facilities should be developing.
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