HPTLC profiling and antimicrobial studies on Curcuma aromatica Salisb and Madhuca longifolia (Koenig).
Curcuma aromatica, Madhuca longifolia, HPTLC, AntibacterialAbstract
Curcuma aromatica and Madhuca longifolia are the medicinal plants commonly used by the tribal peoples of Kinwat and Mahur forest range for the treatments of various ailments. In the present investigation these plants were tested for antimicrobial activities and found that, they have considerable antibacterial potential against tested bacteria. HPTLC analysis of rhizome and flower of both the medicinal plants showed different phytochemical compounds with variable RF values and concentration. C. aromatica rhizome showed three polyvalent phytochemical compounds with RF value ranging from 0.37 to 0.91. flower extract of M. longifolia showed nine compounds with RF value ranging from 0.02 to 0.91. The HPTLC obtained using tolune, ethyl acetate and formic acid in the current study will be very much useful in the correct identification of the drug and can be used for finding out any type of adultrations.
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