Diversity of Bird in Upper Morna Reservoir, Medshi, Dist-Washim (M.S.) India
Diversity, Bird, Upper Morna Reservoir, Medshi, Aquatic faunaAbstract
Upper Morna Reservoir is Medshi located in Malegaon Taluka Dist- Washim in Maharashtra state (India). Diversity of bird in specific area is depend on food requirement, breeding season, water body and many more factors. Some birds live territorially and some make huge flocks or groups. The avian fauna are also attractive features of water body of Upper Morna Reservoir along with the local resident’s terrestrial fauna of birds locally available water fowls are accompanied by certain migratory avian fauna. The occasionally observed avian fauna incorporated were Anas poicilorhyncha (Spotbilled duck), (Egretta intermedia) Little Egret, Ardeola grayii (Pond heron), Tadorna tadorna (Ruddy Shelduck), Ciconia episcopus (Bishop Bird), Phalacrocorx niger ( Little Cormorant), Cattle Egret, the Black-headed Ibis or Oriental White Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus). During study period total eight species of birds were found in Upper Morna Reservoir, Medshi.
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