Breast reconstruction after mastectomy recent advances; benefits and drawbacks
Breast reconstruction, mastectomy, LDF, TRAM flapAbstract
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, with one in eight diagnosed in their lifetime. Treatment often results in significant body image changes, making breast reconstruction a crucial part of comprehensive treatment. Reconstruction can improve psychosocial well-being and quality of life, aiming to do no harm without hindering oncologic treatment or causing recurrence. Patients should be informed about treatment methods and advantages. To have an overview on different modalities of breast reconstruction after mastectomy and highlighting the recent advances in breast reconstruction, their benefits and drawbacks. The review is based on an English language Medline and google scholar search with secondary references obtained from key articles. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy is an important and oncologically safe component of breast cancer overall treatment plan. Immediate reconstruction offers psychological and physical benefits with better quality of life, while delayed reconstruction is tailored to specific cases mainly patients requiring radiotherapy. Breast reconstruction is a multidisciplinary team approach, and there are multiple factors need consideration prior to embarking upon a decision as they determine the timing and technique of breast reconstruction.
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