Trends of Climate Change and Perception of Local Fishermen around Lake Chamo, Ethiopia
climate change, fish yield, Lake Chamo, temperatureAbstract
The effect of climate change on agricultural productivity is increasing from time to time. It has also a great effect on the production of fish in most lakes and rivers, hence this research was designed to investigate the trends of climate change and perception of local fishermen of Lake Chamo over the years. Semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussions were used to generate primary data. A total of 149 respondents of three localities bordering the lake have participated in the study. The livelihoods of most of the respondents depend on fishing, and fish yield has been reported to show a decreasing trend. Only 50 (33.6%) of the respondents possess land holdings ranging from 0.5 to 5 hectares. However, the majority (99, 66.4%) of the fishermen do not have land. The respondents also unanimously agreed that they have observed a change in the climate of their area. The meteorological data analysis showed also that there has been a change in the pattern of the climatic variables in the study area over the last 20 years. Mean annual minimum and maximum temperature increased while the total annual rainfall decreased. The results of this study provide baseline information for researchers, government officers, policymakers…etc., about fishers’ perceptions of fish production and climate change, and trends of metrological variable changes observed in the study area over the last two decades.
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