Quantitative analysis of phytoplankton of Ghagardara dam, District Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Ghagardara dam, Phytoplankton, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, EuglenophyceaeAbstract
The present study was conducted to the Quantitative Analysis of Phytoplankton of Ghagardara Dam of Kandhar Taluka in Nanded District, Maharashtra, India. During the year June 2017 to May 2018. Presently 4367 Phytoplankton genera representing various groups, 24 species of Chlorophyceae, 17 species of Bacillariophyceae, 07 species of Euglenophyceae, 15 species of Cyanophyceae. Among Phytoplanktons particularly Chlorophyceae was the dominant group throughout the study. The highest count of 716 species was record in the month of May.
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