Quantitative analysis of Zooplankton of Ghagardara dam, District Nanded, Maharashtra, India


  • Pawar SK Department of Zoology, Gramin Mahavidyalaya, Vasantnagar, (kotgyal), Tq. Mukhed Dist. Nanded, (M.S.)India


Ghagardara dam, Zooplankton, Rotifers, Cladocera, Ostracoda, Copepoda


The present study was conducted to the Quantitative Analysis of Zooplankton of Ghagardara Dam of Kandhar Taluka in Nanded District, Maharashtra, India, during the year June 2017 to May 2018. Presently 41 Zooplankton genera representing various groups 11 species of Cladocera 05 species of Ostracoda 08 species of Copepoda 17 species of Rotifera. Among Zooplankton particularly Rotifera was the dominant group throughout the study. The highest count of 1877 species was record in the month of May



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How to Cite

Pawar SK. (2019). Quantitative analysis of Zooplankton of Ghagardara dam, District Nanded, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 7(3), 577–579. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/850