Evaluation of tillage and planting method under conservation farming for soil and crop productivity in the Dryland areas of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Conservation farming, Conventional tillage, planting basin, Tie-ridge, MulchingAbstract
Moisture conservation, minimum tillage and residue retention are conservation farming management options that may enhance crop yield and soil fertility sustainably in the dry land areas of Ethiopia. Study on conservation farming (CF) was conducted in moisture deficit area of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia from 2013-2014 cropping seasons. The experiment conducted both on station and on farmers’ field. Included treatments were; conventional tillage + fertilizer, conventional tillage without fertilizer, subsoiler + fertilizer, subsoiler + tie ridging + fertilizer subsoiler + tie-ridging + intercropping+ fertilizer, subsoiler + tie-ridging + intercropping + fertilizer, subsoiler + tie ridging + transplanting, subsoiler + planting basin +fertilizer and subsoiler + transplanting on planting basin+ fertilizer. Significantly, more variation was observed among the tillage practices for the studied agronomic traits. Higher mean Sorghum grain yield of 2.40 (+1.5 and 1.4 t ha-1 over the conventional treatments with and without fertilizer respectively and 2.50 t ha-1 (+1.6 and +1.5 t ha-1 over the conventional treatments with and without fertilizer respectively) were recorded from transplanted sorghum seedlings and directly planted sorghum seeds in planting basin respectively in the researcher managed conservation plots using early maturing ‘Hormat’ variety. Similarly, 2.40 t ha-1 and 2.38 t ha-1 grain yield were obtained from tie-ridging and transplanting at planting basin respectively, while the lowest mean grain yield of 0.94 t ha-1 was obtained from the conventional tillage without fertilize treatment in the farmers managed conservation plots. Mean Grain yield of 3.90 and 5.60 t/ha were also obtained from ‘Kodem’ and ‘Abaere’ Sorghum land races, respectively planted in basin at farmers field. Some soil chemical properties (like total nitrogen, available phosphorus and organic carbon) on the conservation treatments show increment. Participating farmers also select transplanting and direct planting on planting basin tillage techniques first and second respectively based on over all crop performance. Planting basin supported conservation tillage packages can enhance crop, water and soil productivity in sustainably and help mitigate the effects of prolonged dry spells in the moisture deficit of Tigray
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