Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer types and levels on Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in the Vertisols of Northern Highlands of Ethiopia
prilled urea, super granular urea, granular urea, UREAstabil, wheatAbstract
Optimum nitrogen fertilization from the right source is the most important production factors for higher grain yield of wheat Study on the effect of type and rate of urea fertilizers on yield of wheat was conducted evaluate in northern Ethiopia in 2017 and 2018 main cropping season. The treatments consist four (Prilled urea, granular urea, urea super granule and UREAstabil) different source of nitrogen fertilizer each with three application rates of (46, 69 and 92kg N ha−1), and one control (without any N fertilizer application) laid down in a randomized complete block design. Grain yield of bread wheat showed significantly to the application of different rates and source of nitrogen fertilizer at Adigolo and Mekan districts. At Adigolo districts the highest mean wheat yield of 5.11t ha-1 (with MRR=391.48) was obtained from application 92 kg N ha-1 of UREAstabil with no statistically significant difference compared to the grain yield obtained from the application of 69 kg ha-1 of UREAstabil (5.08 t ha-1), 92 kg N ha-1 of prilled urea (4.56 t ha-1) and 92 kg N ha-1 of granular urea (4.68 t ha-1). At Mekan distrcts the highest mean wheat grain yield of 4.08 t ha-1 (with MRR=733.07) was obtained from application 69 kg N ha-1 of UREAstabil with no statistically significant difference compared to the grain yield obtained from the application of 92 kg N ha-1 of UREAstabil (4.44 t ha-1). In both Adigolo and Mekan districts grain yield of wheat showed that a linear increase with increasing rate of application of N fertilizer and the grain yield of wheat obtained from all the level of UREAstabil were higher than corresponding levels of either prilled urea, granular urea or urea super granule, while application of 46 kg N ha-1 from UREAstabil reaches optimum agronomically and economically for the study areas.
Keywords: prilled urea; super granular urea; granular urea; UREAstabil; wheat
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