Ethnoveterinary practices for reproductive Ailments by villagers nearby Ambabarva Wildlife Sanctury, Buldhana District, MS, India
Keywords: Reproductive ailments, Ethnoveterinary, Ambabarva Wildlife SanctuaryAbstract
Situated in the Satpuda hill range, the Ambabarva wildlife sanctuary is located in the northern region of Buldhana District. The current study is based on a comprehensive field survey that the authors conducted in this area for ethnoveterinary applications, with a focus on reproductive problems, between June 2019 and July 2022. Traditionally, local and tribal people in this area have used locally accessible ethnoveterinary medicines to treat a variety of illnesses affecting the animal populations. This study report contains data gathered from 68 Vaidus or informants, in the specified region. The 22 families comprise a total of 25 plants that were mostly used to treat reproductive diseases and abnormalities in domestic animals, such as anestrous condition, placenta retention, uterine prolapse, etc.
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