Pollen Analysis of Honey Collected from Hingoli District (Maharashtra)
Pollen analysis, Honey, Hingoli, MaharashtraAbstract
A pollen analysis of honey provides a basic information for identifying the origin of a honey in terms of locality and floral resources. This information may be used to develop analytical standards and contributing to quality control of a honey. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollen contents of honey samples was undertaken during the year 2017-2019. Moringa oleifera, Pongamia pinnata, Syzygium cumini, Tamarindus indica and Terminalia Sp. pollen types were dominantly represented in honey samples of the region. The other major pollen types found were Aegle marmelos, Albizia Sp., Bauhinia Sp., Brassica campestris, Cajanus cajan, Cassia siamea and Eucalyptus globulus. The honey samples collected from the region is found to be as multifloral showing a diverse pollen taxon.
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