Ethnobotanical survey of some medicinal trees from Deori Taluka , Gondia dist. (M.S)
Ethnobotany, Ethnomedicinal, Adivasi, TribesAbstract
Ethnobotany is the study of the relationship between man and their surrounding plants. One has to understand the human interaction and role of plants in their lives. An ethnobotanical study contributes in the field of medicine. The ethnic and the rural people of India have traditional knowledge of medicinal uses of plants growing around them. Deori being a tribal area is surrounded by the forest regions and the people (Adivasi) residing here still practices herbal medicine for treating various diseases. A large number of ethnomedicinal information remained endemic to many regions or people due to lack of communication. Hence a survey was carried out in Deori Taluka of Gondia district to collect information regarding medicinal plant species (particularly trees) used by the tribal people for curing various diseases. The present paper enumerates about list of some 34 medicinal plant species (trees) with their correct botanical names, vernacular names, family and plant part used to cure various diseases.
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